A warm welcome to our new associates! Here is the latest update for the Rudolph Libbe Group:


Eric Hinkle has joined the Rudolph Libbe Group as a project engineer in the commercial group at Rudolph Libbe Inc.

Brandon Boehm, former co-op, accepted a position in preconstruction services at Rudolph Libbe Inc.

Rajani Shrestha, former co-op, has joined the Rudolph Libbe Group as a VDC associate at Rudolph Libbe Inc.

Sam Farmer has joined the Rudolph Libbe Group as an account manager in the special accounts department at Rudolph Libbe Inc.

Todd Colvin accepted the position of weld quality manager in the mechanical department at GEM Inc.

Harrison Newberg has joined the Rudolph Libbe Group as a project engineer in the project management department at Rudolph Libbe Inc.

Mark Tomasek has accepted an electrical account manager position with the Rudolph Libbe Group—Cleveland operations.

Phil Karger has accepted a project manager position with the Rudolph Libbe Group—Cleveland operations

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