September 11, 2019

The Benefits of One-Call Managed Shutdown Services

Managed Shutdown ServicesWhen faced with either planned or forced plant shutdown issues, many facility teams use a do-it-yourself approach, contacting multiple contractors and coordinating the work of each one during the project.

This approach can lead to issues, including:

  • Extra staff time for calling, coordinating, and managing the project, plus the staff’s inability to focus on their own jobs instead of shutdown tasks
  • The hassle of coordinating multiple contractor schedules
  • Hiring contractors who may not have prior experience in your plant
  • Not enough available tradespeople available during the shutdown period

These problems can result in deficient repair work, cost overruns, and delays, which means the potential of financial loss to the plant.

Download One-Call Shutdown Services to learn about the one-call services offered by the Rudolph Libbe Group.

With Rudolph Libbe Group (RLG) plant shutdown services, you have one-call access to experienced and safety-trained tradespeople for your next shutdown.

Combining both in-house skilled trades and a network of proven, trusted contractors, the RLG team provides a total managed solution for any plant shutdown service work. A single phone call to RLG saves you and your plant’s production team from coordinating and managing multiple vendors for your next shutdown.

“[The RLG] crew deserves a big thank you for the work performed during our central utility plant shutdown. Each time I visited the work site, the crews were working safely and efficiently to finish the task. We were very happy with the amount and quality of the tradespeople.”

—Kevin E. Hartman | Marathon Petroleum Company

Offering a turnkey solution for scheduled shutdown projects and guaranteed on-call response for unscheduled shutdowns, the team creates a detailed plan for your shutdown project, then manages on-site, saving your plant staff the extra time and cost of self-managing plant shutdowns.

An efficient, well-managed predictive maintenance program on your plant’s process equipment keeps everything running efficiently and offers your best assurance against unscheduled outages, which can often result in safety, financial and operational downtime risks.

Managed Shutdown Services Chart

To learn more about RLG’s Managed Shutdown Services, download One-Call Shutdown Services. And when you’re ready to talk with a shutdown specialist, please email, or call Jaime Hart (Ohio) at 216.217.2503, or Tony Alston (Michigan) at 734.455.0600.

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