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Utility Procurement

icon-utilityprocurement-RGB-copyIn a deregulated state, you have the ability to choose your power and natural gas providers. GEM Energy’s utility procurement team helps you through the process of finding the best rates, with an energy strategy that protects you from rising costs.

We take care of all the details for you, including:

  • Involving multiple suppliers to compete for your energy business.
  • Seamlessly transitioning you from your current supplier to new providers.
  • Negotiating highly competitive pricing and terms.
  • Managing contracts, transaction data and complex regulatory requirements.

When you provide GEM Energy with your most recent utility bills and a letter of authorization, we will review your current rates and historical usage. This information helps us determine the most cost effective way for you to purchase energy and manage your current power and natural gas consumption.

After analyzing the historical information, we begin negotiating favorable rates, in deregulated markets, with multiple energy suppliers. We’ll recommend rate and term options that will be the most effective for your business.

Once the rate and term options have been reviewed, we meet with you to discuss the best options. A comparison of current cost versus future cost will be presented in order for you to make an informed decision. Finally, a structured agreement will be proposed and you will begin saving. There’s no charge to you or forms to sign. Email us a copy of your utility bill, and we’ll review and contact you.

Energy usage has grown to a point that it needs to be controlled with tools that gather the data, analysis of the trends, and what opportunities exist to impact human behavior by controls, changing technology or increasing awareness. Using the services of a professional to manage and secure our energy needs has provided our campus with a sense of understanding the markets, knowing the suppliers, their strengths and directing us to the best solution.

Vice President Finance and Administration Lourdes University
Michael Killian

For more info contact:
Toby Slocum
Program Manager


With substantial proven experience, RLG has completed projects spanning a variety of provided services and solutions.

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