GPS Guided Process Solutions
Using our Guided Process Solutions (GPS) system for process-driven projects, our in-house team of architects, professional engineers, and construction staff works directly with owners to optimize the design of your new facility around your process. This differs from traditional design/bid/build construction, where individual contractors focus on their own specific aspects of the project, without careful consideration of your plant’s process operations.
For industrial process manufacturers involved in new plant construction or expansion projects, the conventional design/bid/build process can add unnecessary cost and risk, such as:
- Hidden costs and plant process-related issues overlooked during the design phase that increase final construction or ongoing operational costs
- Delays in bringing new production capacity online because of a traditional process in which one phase cannot begin until the one before it ends

By optimizing the design and preconstruction phases of complex, process-driven manufacturing projects using the GPS system, plant owners can save on their final construction costs and achieve faster project completion times, to bring new plant capacity online sooner.
Customers who’ve switched to the GPS system for process construction projects say it best:
See how our exclusive Guided Process Solutions (GPS) can help steer you through the best way to optimize the design of your new facility.
With substantial proven experience, RLG has completed projects spanning a variety of provided services and solutions.
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From Our Blog
Avoiding the Risks of Construction Design Flaws
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Introducing SiteLine Expansion Solutions
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How to Eliminate Delays in Expansion Construction Projects
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