Project Completed: 2015
Location: Delta, Ohio
Project Completed: 2015
Location: Delta, Ohio
After purchasing a former acid-manufacturing plant, REMURIATE called upon GEM Inc. to get its Delta, Ohio plant back up and running, requiring two phases of construction. Phase one included a large amount of demolition work done throughout a harsh winter, while phase two was preparing the plant to resume operations. The plant, which regenerates acidic solutions used to clean or pickle steel, also produces high quality iron oxide as a byproduct. REMURIATE’s iron oxide is used to make magnets, ceramics, paints and plastics as a pigment, cosmetics, fire-retardant building materials and foundry materials.
GEM's team worked in single-digit temperatures and below-zero wind chills while 70 feet in the air, which required additional safety precautions such as rescheduling tasks to work on the ground and out of the wind on some days. With careful planning and attention to safety, we worked with zero incidents.
GEM insulators were trained specifically on how to install ProRox GRP 1000, which features a fiberglass reinforced polyester mat positioned between two sheets of film. Because the product cures rapidly under UV light, our in-house fabrication shop is a controlled environment to process the jacketing, making an investment in pre-fabrication unnecessary. The insulation was was then applied within the plant and set by the boilermakers.