RLI makes Bryan City Schools’ new united campus a reality
The Bryan City Schoolsâ master plan called for a 21st century learning environment that unites 2,000 students on one campus for the first time in the district’s history.
Rudolph Libbe Inc. was chosen as the construction manager at-risk for the new campus.
In the first phase, a 149,000-square-foot combined middle school and high school was built, which  features a courtyard for outdoor dining, small group assemblies and classroom instruction. In Phase 2, the existing 120,000-square-foot middle school will be renovated into a new elementary school for grades pre-K through 5. Energy-efficient design incorporates natural lighting and help reduce utility costs for the schools.
Phase 1’s new middle/high school building was completed in July of  2016. The elementary school  Phase 2 renovation will be finished in June of 2017.
As part of the project, the existing Bryan High School and Washington and Lincoln elementary schools will be decommissioned. The old school buildings range in age from 30 to nearly 100 years old.