Hospitality / Recreation

An aquarium fits really well with our mission as a zoo, which is to inspire our visitors, to educate and to entertain them.

Jay Hemdal, Aquarium Curator
Toledo Zoo

The heart of a community is its gathering spaces: sports arenas, ball fields, zoos, convention centers, museums, libraries, theaters, malls, and hotels. And Rudolph Libbe Group is in the business of turning a vision for hospitality and recreation facilities into reality.

From preconstruction to project completion and beyond, RLG’s team of experts knows what it takes to design and build these unique facilities from the ground up — and all the way through ongoing maintenance.

These types of facilities have very different needs for other commercial businesses. Many of them see concentrated periods of time with heavy use, alternated with periods of little to no use.

And no entertainment or hospitality venue is exactly alike. So RLG approaches each facility with the right resources and expertise to make it successful for the owner and the population it will serve.  

Take, for example, the Toledo Zoo’s new aquarium. “It’s a real public aquarium now, not a small zoo aquarium like it was,” said Jay Hemdal, aquarium curator, after the completion of the project. If we’ve done our job correctly, we’ve excited visitors and inspired them to go out and make a difference in terms of aquatic conservation once they leave.”

We’re proud to be a part of these community efforts. Whatever the type of gathering space, we build and maintain it for a lifetime of use.