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Making A Difference


Each year, the RLG “Hot Shots” team joins the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Walk to Cure Diabetes. Our team has raised as much as $8,000 a year to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. This cause is especially close to our hearts – a number of our own children are living with this serious health challenge.


For over 30 years, RLG has supported United Way of Greater Toledo, hosting annual workplace campaigns and participating in Days of Caring community projects. In 2013, our local United Way recognized RLI and GEM with “Top Volunteer Engagement” awards. United Way’s Days of Caring projects make great use of our associates’ construction skills and experience.

UW-Weeding-529x450For example, as part of United Way’s 2015 Days of Caring, many RLG associates spent a day upgrading the Lake High School softball and baseball fields. Lake Local Schools are special to us. Not only are many associates graduates of LHS and have children attending Lake Local Schools, but they were also members of the RLG project team that rebuilt the high school after the devastating tornado in 2010.

In 2013, RLG associates joined United Way’s first complete neighborhood revitalization event, a Days of Caring project that brought thousands of volunteers together to focus on a 10-block by 4-block area in Toledo. Our team patched up old tile and installed new linoleum in the fellowship hall at Resurrection Baptist Church.

Marathon Classic

For decades, GEM has donated electrical equipment and labor to power the Marathon Classic, which donates its proceeds each year to local children’s charities.

CRC_MGC-banner-960x280It’s a big event that requires a great deal of electricity for the caterers, party tents, first-aid stations, skyboxes, electronic scoring, office trailers and the media – in fact, ESPN alone brings seven semi-trailers that must be equipped with power. We’re proud to support this event that means so much to children in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan.

The Rudolph Libbe Group also sponsors and contributes to additional causes in our community, including:

  • March of Dimes
  • Read for Literacy
  • Toledo Food Bank
  • West Ohio Food Bank, Lima, Ohio
  • Cleveland Food Bank
  • Gleaners Food Bank, Plymouth Michigan
  • Salvation Army
  • Books4Buddies
  • AGC of Ohio Scholarships
  • Glass City Balloon Race
  • United Way

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