Two Rudolph Libbe Group projects honored in 2016 Varco Pruden Hall of Fame
Jump to navigationRudolph Libbe Inc. has received two Varco Pruden 2016 Hall of Fame awards for the Allermuir-Senator Group headquarters in Monclova Township and the Hirzel Canning warehouse in Ottawa.
Varco Pruden Buildings’ Hall of Fame recognizes top projects that display innovation and excellence through the integration of building systems, products, architectural appearance, end use and design.
Hirzel Canning was one of only three projects recognized in the Distribution Category. The 87,500-square-foot warehouse is designed to support the installation of roof-mounted solar panels in the future. Twenty-six Varco Pruden PrisMAX roof skylights, 2 feet wide by 10 feet long, maximize natural light.
Allermuir was one of five projects recognized in the Warehouse Category. The facility includes 80,000 square feet of warehouse/manufacturing space with 10,000 square feet of offices. The roof of the facility has 24 Varco Pruden PrisMAX roof skylights, 2 feet wide by 10 feet long.