Completed: 2016
Location: Toledo, Ohio
Delivery Method: Construction Management At-Risk
Completed: 2016
Location: Toledo, Ohio
Delivery Method: Construction Management At-Risk
Mercy Health’s Perrysburg Cancer Center opened in November 2016, beginning a new era of local, comprehensive cancer care in the Toledo area.
In partnership with the Toledo Clinic’s oncology physicians, Mercy Health provides a one-stop facility for outpatient cancer care, including diagnostics, radiation, chemotherapy and surgical consultation.
“I think it is going to be a game changer in cancer care for this community,” Dr. Imram Andrabi, president and CEO of Mercy Health-Toledo, told The Toledo Blade.
Rudolph Libbe was the construction manager at-risk for the three-story, 61,642-square-foot oncology center. RLG’s own craftspeople performed site work, concrete, steel erection, masonry and carpentry.
The first floor houses the 37,000-square-foot oncology clinic, with radiation and therapy services on the second floor. The third floor offers 23,000 square feet of shell space ready for future tenants.
A walkway connects the Perrysburg Cancer Center with the Mercy Health Medical Center, Perrysburg’s first free-standing 24-hour emergency room and diagnostic center constructed by the Rudolph Libbe Group in 2013.
The oncology center project includes:
– Bill Sutton, Vice President of Operations at Mercy Health Partners