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You may have heard safety quantified as  “Experience Mod Rate” or EMR. The EMR is a number used by insurance companies to gauge construction companies’ past costs of injuries and future chances of risk.

An EMR of 1.0 is considered the industry average. The Rudolph Libbe Group’s average EMR has been 19 percent better than the industry average — for over 10 years.

How we do it:

  • Audits, and lots of them. Our associates conducted 3,557 safety audits on our job sites in 2023.
  • It’s basic to our culture. Last year, our associates made over 191,000 safety observations and, of those, corrected 3,400 unsafe acts through our “Find It, Fix It” program.
  • Commitment, plain and simple. We have over 700 associates trained in OSHA 10/30 hour construction safety courses. And safety meetings in the office carry over to the jobsite, where we employ specific measures to anticipate and avoid potential hazards.

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