ProMedica Wildwood Hospital Combined Heat and Power Plant
Two Capstone C65 microturbines power the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system at ProMedica Health System’s Wildwood Orthopaedic and Spine Hospital, providing electricity and heat to the 227,000-square-foot medical facility.
ProMedica contracted with GEM Energy to install and integrate one of the most advanced combined heat and power systems in the marketplace. Benefits to the facility include a reduction in annual energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions as well as a higher ENERGY STAR building score.
With a 24/7/365 need for electricity and heat, hospitals benefit tremendously from the energy efficiency and reliability that CHP systems provide. The compact size and low sound level of the microturbine system made it a perfect fit for the upper floor mechanical room where it is housed.
The hospital has around-the-clock access to the CHP outputs through its control system. The web-based dashboard — accessible on mobile devices or computers — provides facility managers with real-time data so that daily energy consumption can be monitored and balanced with the hospital’s needs and the system’s production. This reduces energy peaks and increases savings.